Boerenbruiloftsdans Peasant Wedding Dance 1566
119 x 157 cm
Wood panel
Institute of Arts
Detroit, U.S.  
Vogelknip Winter Landscape with Bird Trap 1565
38 x 56 cm
Oil on wood panel
Musée des Beaux-Arts,
(Museum van Schone Kunsten)
Brussels, Belgium  
Volkstelling Te Bethlehem Census at Bethlehem 1566
115.5 x 164.5 cm
Wood panel
Musée des Beaux-Arts,
(Museum van Schone Kunsten)
Brussels, Belgium  
Saul (aka Slag Tegen De Filistijnen Op De Gilboa) Saul (aka Battle Against The Filistines On The Gilboa) 1562
33.5 x 55 cm
Wood panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Vienna (Vien), Austria  
Twee Aapjes Two Small Monkeys 1562
20 x 23 cm
Wood panel
Staaliche Museen, Gemaldegalerie,
Berlin, Germany
Aanbidding Der Wijzen In De Sneeuw Adoration Of The Kings In The Snow 1567
35 x 55 cm
Wood panel
Oskar Reinhart Collection
Winterthur, Germany  
Prediking Van Johannes De Doper Preaching Of John The Baptist 1566
95 x 160.5 cm
Wood panel
Beaux Arts Museum
Bekering Van Paulus Conversion Of Paulus 1567
108 x 156 cm
Wood panel
Kunsthistorishes Museum
Wien (Vienna), Austria  
Het Luilekkerland Land Of Milk And Honey 1567
52 x 78 cm
Wood panel
Alte Pinakothek
Munchen (Munich), Germany  
Boerenkermis Peasant Fair probably 1567
114 x 164 cm
Oil on wood panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Vienna (Vien), Austria
De Bedelaars (aka De Kreupelen) The Beggars (aka The Cripples) 1568
18 x 21.5 cm
Wood panel
Louvre, Paris, France
Boerenbruiloft Peasant Wedding probably 1567
114 x 163 cm
Oil on wood panel.
Kunsthistorisches Museum,
Vienna (Wien), Austria  
Spreekwoorden (De Blauwe Huik) Proverbs (aka Blue Cloak)
117.5 x 163.5 cm
Oil on wood panel
Staatliche Museen, Gemaldegalerie,
Berlin, Germany
Strijd Tussen Vasten En Vastenavond Fight Between Carnival and Lent 1559
118 x 164.5 cm
Oil on wood panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Vienna (Vien), Austria  
Kinderspelen Children's Games 1560
118 x 161 cm
Oil on wood panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Vienna (Vien), Austria
Vlucht Naar Egypte Flight To Egypt 1563
32.2 x 55.5 cm
Wood panel
Courtauld Institute Galleries,
London, U.K.
Val Van Icarus Fall of Icarus
73.5 x 112 cm
Oil on canvas
Musée des Beaux-Arts
(Museum van Schone Kunsten)
Brussels, Belgium
Some experts say this is not a Brueghel The Elder, may be painted by his son?
Date - 1555? Others say the last painting he ever made  
This is probably not a Pieter Brueghel The Elder
Wood panel
National Gallery of Art,
Washington D.C., U.S.A.
Hooioogst (Juni-Juli) Hay-Harvest (June-July) 1565
Part of 'The 12 Months'
114 x 158 cm
Wood panel
National Museum,
Prague, Chechoslovakia
Oogst (Aug.-Sept.) Harvest 1565
Part of 'The 12 Months'
117 x 160 cm
Wood panel
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York, U.S.A.  
Terugkeer Van De Kudde (Oct.-Nov.) Return Of The Herd 1565
Part of 'The 12 Months'
117 x 159 cm
Wood panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Vienna (Vien), Austria  
Jagers In De Sneeuw (Dec.-Jan.) Hunters in the Snow 1565
Part of 'The 12 Months'
117 x 162 cm
Wood panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Vienna (Wien), Austria  
Sombere Dag (Feb.-Ma.) Gloomy Day 1565
Part of 'The 12 Months'
117 x 162 cm
Wood panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Vienna (Vien), Austria  
The Sixth Panel, April-May, is missing.
Kruisdraging Procession to Calvary 1564
124 x 170 cm
Oil on wood panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Vienna (Wien), Austria  
Moord Op De Onnozele Kinderen Massacre of the Innocents 1565, approx.
Wood panel
109.2 x 154.9 cm
Hampton Court, U.K.
116 x 160 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Vienna (Vien), Austria Right, several of them - which is the original? Most say the one in the U.K.  
Dulle Griet Mad Meg 1562 (or 1563)
117.4 x 162 cm
Oil on wood panel
Museum Mayer van den Bergh,
Antwerp, Belgium  
Toren Van Babel Tower of Babel 1563
114 x 155 cm
Oil on wood panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Vienna (Vien), Austria
Val Der Opstandige Engelen Fall of the Rebel Angels 1562
117 x 162 cm
Wood panel
Musée des Beaux-Arts,
(Museum van Schone Kunsten)
Brussels, Belgium  
Kleine Toren Van Babel Small Tower of Babel 1563
60 x 74.5 cm
Oil on wood panel
Museum Boymans-van Beuningen,
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Aanbidding Der Wijzen Adoration of the Kings 1564
111 x 83.5 cm
Wood panel
National Gallery,
London, U.K.  
Triomf Van De Dood Triumph of Death 1562, approx.
117 x 162 cm
Oil on wood panel
Museo del Prado,
Madrid, Spain
Parabel Van De Blinden Parabel Of The Blind 1568
86 x 156 cm
Waterpaint on canvas
Museo Nazionale,
Napoli (Napels), Italy
Grote Vissen Eten De Kleine Large Fish Eat Small Fish 1556
Pen and grey-black ink
216 x 302 cm
Vienna (Vien), Austria
Schilder En Kenner Painter and Connoisseur 1565, approx.
25 x 21.6 cm.
Pen and brown ink
Vienna (Vien), Austria
Ezel Op School Ass at School 1556
Pen and Black Ink
232 x 302 cm
Staatliche Museen
Berlin, Germany